Health Articles

Are your health habits putting you at risk?

By February 1, 2019 No Comments

Do you know what your health risks are? Better yet, do you know what resources are available to you to address them? With one quick, personalized assessment, you can understand your health.

Available on the Health Navigation Platform, the Health Risk Assessment is a short, secure, and confidential online questionnaire that helps you understand your health risks and learn about resources and programs that can help you modify them effectively.

How to get started

Take the questionnaire now to receive:

  • A personalized report highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement
  • Personalized action plans with information about your habits and tips on how to improve them
  • Reliable information about available public services and local resources to help modify your behaviour

The Health Risk Assessment is renewed monthly, allowing you to repeat the assessment and track your progress to help you meet your goals.

(Note: Your assessment is completely private and confidential. Only aggregate results are provided to us.)

Try the Health Risk Assessment now, available to all our members from our Health Navigation Platform.

For more health insight, visit Novus Health!