Health Articles

Your Action Plan for Blood Pressure

By October 25, 2018 No Comments


High blood pressure is a pressing issue in Canada. It is estimated that almost 1 out of every 5 Canadians has high blood pressure, and that 9 out of 10 Canadians will develop high blood pressure (hypertension) during their lifetime. Hypertension is a major contributor to the risk of having a heart attack or stroke and elevates risk of heart and kidney diseases. Fortunately, reducing your blood pressure isn’t as hard as you think.

Action Plan

Knowledge is power! Step one should be learning about blood pressure and ways to monitor it. After that, a logical next step would be to learn about the health benefits of reducing your blood pressure. Finally, embrace practical methods of reducing blood pressure through optimizing your diet and physical activity.

For additional information, you can visit the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. Of course, at Novus, we have all the information you need on the subject of blood pressure.

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