Health Articles

Quench Your Thirst—Even in the Winter!

By November 9, 2017 No Comments

The reminder to stay hydrated is a common refrain in summer, but not one that’s shared so often in winter. But hydration is vitally important all year round—it’s important for your employees to always keep up their fluid intake so they can stay energized and healthy throughout the day. Help your team remember the importance of drinking enough fluids during every month of the year!

As the days get shorter and the temperature cools down, do you remember to stay hydrated? It’s easier to forget to do so when you’re not sweating buckets. But think of your body like your favourite plant: When left too long without water, it will start to get dry and wilt, no matter what time of year it is. Our bodies are no different than that thirsty plant. They need proper fluid intake to feel energized and healthy.

The basics

The right amount of fluids helps us regulate our body temperature, aids digestion, and cushions organs and joints by keeping them lubricated. Drinking lots of water can help you avoid unpleasant complications, like heat stroke or dehydration. Even before your body gets to that point, you may experience symptoms such headaches, feeling faint, dry skin and/or dry mouth, and—surprise, surprise—thirst! Take note: once you feel thirsty, it’s often the case that you’re already mildly dehydrated.

How much fluid we need depends on our age, sex and how active we are, but in general, it is recommended that men aim for a fluid intake of around 3 L (12 cups) per day and women aim for around 2.2 L (9 cups per day). Fortunately, there are many ways to give our bodies the necessary fluids during the summer. Try simple tricks like drinking a glass of water when you wake up each morning, before you go to bed at night, or before eating your meals. (Or try all three!) And keep a fresh glass of water by your desk or near your workstation to remind yourself to drink throughout the day. Be sure to carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go—particularly on very hot days, if you will be playing outdoor sports, or if you plan to be outside for an extended period of time (again, even in the winter). Water bottles come in all kinds of convenient shapes and sizes—great for strapping on your bike, throwing in your bag, or clipping to your belt!

What to drink

Remember that water is not the only way to stay hydrated! Sports drinks have been gaining popularity as the go-to hydration product for athletes and active people. They are designed to replace the electrolytes we lose when we perspire. Take care to choose drinks with lower sugar content to better quench your thirst. Coconut water is yet another way to keep hydrated, but be sure to watch for—and avoid—sugary versions with high levels of potassium. Foods that are high in sugar or salt will only make you thirstier. Also, alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, while popular during winter festivities, are famous for their dehydrating effects, so be sure to compensate for that spiked egg nog with a glass of water or two. Thankfully, hot beverages can help you meet your hydration goal as well, so try warming up with low caffeine options such as green tea or hot water with lemon.

Seasonal considerations

Since our bodies lose water by sweating (and even breathing!) we are generally at a higher risk of dehydration in the hot summer months. Taking a dip in a pool or lake can help cool down your body—but don’t forget to keep some water nearby for sipping in between laps! Because your body is wet from swimming, you might not notice you are sweating or realize you are dehydrated.

That said, just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you can’t be at risk of dehydration, especially when playing sports and enjoying other winter activities! You’ve probably noticed that the winter air tends to be dryer, too. Even if you’re sweating, that perspiration isn’t sticking to your skin like it does in the summer, so you may not notice just how much hydration you’re losing while you’re out for a snowy walk. Take care to drink (lukewarm) water regularly in addition to any warm, soothing drinks you may feel more inclined to sip! Proper hydration will help your body keep itself warm, and don’t forget that proper hydration is key to maintaining your immune system, too.

The most important thing? Never ignore your thirst. If you are feeling a bit parched, take in some liquids as soon as possible. Staying hydrated is an easy way to stay healthy!

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Key websites

EatRightOntario: Facts on Fluids – How to stay hydrated

Dietitians of Canada: Guidelines for Drinking Fluids to Stay Hydrated

Dietitians of Canada: Sports Hydration – Get the Facts