Health Articles

Fortify Member Wellness with Health Information that Boosts Immunity

By December 15, 2016 No Comments

It’s never a bad idea to remind members to adopt good hygiene habits that keep workplace germs at bay—a healthy workforce is good for business, after all. Members with access to health navigation via web, mobile, and call centre support can find trusted, up-to-date information on how to boost their immunity and protect themselves and their loved ones from cold and flu viruses and communicable bugs. Be sure to share this important health information with your own workplace teams; your colleagues, and ultimately your customers, will appreciate it!

Even during the warmer weather, it’s not uncommon to see our friends and colleagues catching colds and other common infections.

Most of us know that good personal hygiene can help us ward off these infections and stay healthy. What we don’t always recognize, however, is that staying healthy doesn’t have to be a challenge. Try following these simple steps and helpful tips to keep a cold or flu from slowing you down.

Wash your hands and your body regularly

This is probably our most basic and well-known first line of defense. Washing your hands and other parts of your body with soap and water eliminates some of the potentially infectious agents you may have accidentally picked up. Our hands and body come in contact with many germs throughout the day—whether it’s at work, on transit, at the gym, or simply on the street.

Wash your hands with soap and water…

  • When they’re visibly soiled
  • Before and after eating
  • After using the bathroom
  • After sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose
  • After using public transportation

When soap and water are unavailable, sanitize your hands instead. Consider carrying a portable bottle of hand sanitizer in your bag or purse, and keeping on in your car and at work.

Protect yourself and others

When you sneeze or cough, cover your nose and mouth with your elbow or a handkerchief to avoid spreading germs through droplets. And stay home when you’re sick—you’ll be helping yourself recover quickly, and you’ll be better off in the long run. You’ll also be helping your team’s productivity, since you won’t be spreading germs at your workplace.

Disinfect wounds

Open wounds are more susceptible to infection because microbes in the air or on surfaces don’t have to penetrate the skin to take hold. Small wounds should be disinfected with a topical product and kept clean with a bandage. Be sure to consult a doctor for more serious wounds.

Use antibiotics properly

An antibiotic treatment must be undertaken only on a doctor’s prescription and, to ensure it’s effective, must not be interrupted. The improper use of antibiotics can make some bacteria resistant and compromise the treatment of subsequent infections. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections such as urinary tract infections or skin infections (viral infections don’t respond to antibiotics). Your doctor will be able to advise you on the type of infection you have and prescribe antibiotics if necessary.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet

Eating lots of foods high in sugars, fat, or allergens can weaken your immune system, as can overconsumption of alcohol. Conversely, regularly consuming foods high in minerals and vitamins A and C, such as fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains, strengthens the immune system. Likewise, yogurts based on starter cultures contain beneficial bacteria that help balance intestinal flora (the microorganisms found in our digestive tracts) and strengthen immunity. Finally, drinking plenty of water keeps your body properly hydrated and delays the spread of infections.

Control your stress

Prolonged stress weakens the immune system. Control your stress by finding and using techniques that work for you. Try meditation or relaxation, for example. Additionally, make sure you get enough sleep, since rest helps your body regenerate and fight stress.


Regular and moderate physical activity can relieve stress, stimulate circulation, and benefit certain elements of the immune system. Visit Alberta’s Healthy U website to learn more about how exercise can influence the immune system.

Avoid harmful products

Pesticides and various household cleaning products contain harmful chemical substances that may weaken the immune system. Avoid them as much as possible.

Other tips

  • Keep your home properly ventilated
  • Avoid crowded places, if possible
  • Practise social distancing

For more insight, check out these health articles.

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